Business Development
Please measure us by your success
Do you have a new, exciting product?
Do you offer a unique service?
Sales-as-a-Service helps you find footing in the German market.
Sales-as-a-Service business development is the combination of several approaches that build on each other.
Following the AIDA model, which also applies to modern marketing tools such as HubSpot or SuperOffice:
Step 1: Define and find Target Markets
“It all starts with information”! Without detailed information gathering in the form of a systematic market analysis, even the best business ideas are doomed to fail. If you don't know whether the market will accept your offer, how saturated the market is for your product, how great the potential is or how the industry is developing, you cannot expect successful marketing. This must be clearly apparent.
Your solution or service offering must “fit” this need and this must be clearly visible.
Key Message - Value Proposition.
Generate attention!
Step 2: Arouse interest
Arouse interest and create desire among the “right” people in the “right” companies. Requires research:
Profiling - finding the right companies
Targeting - finding the right contacts​​
n order to then address these contacts in these companies - i.e. carry out campaigns. Of course multichannel on all possible channels and types.
The result in “sales qualified leads”, onto which the actual sales campaign then will follow.
Step 3: Acquire new Customers
Sales campaign - What we can do for you:
We support your sales by arranging appointments for visits and presentations.
We answer interested parties' questions for you and send your information material (flyers, descriptions, etc).
If necessary, we are your address, your telephone number, your mailbox for the distribution of your product or service.
We provide rooms including reception and service staff for your presentations and meetings.
Our sales professionals hold your presentations and demos, write your offers and close your offers into contracts.